SOC Core Skills Training
1 Summary
What are we going to cover ?
- Intro to Windows
- Intro to Linux
- Intro to TCP/IP
- Basics & fundamentals
- Core things to learn to work at the BHIS SOC
- This class is meant to feed into the Intro to Security class
What to do on a bad day ?
You need a plan !
Plans are useless, planning is indispensible
Don't panic !
2 Let's start with Windows
First things to do network connections: - netstat - netview - net use - net session
run cmd as admin
2.1 Network Connections
2.1.1 C:\> net view
- allows to look at shares
- attackers like to set shares as staging areas inside of a network
- pull files to one location and then exfil out
- what is normal ?
If you're a SOC analyst and if there is a net command firing, it's an attacker trying to mount shares
2.1.2 C:\> net session
- who is currently talking to the current system ?
- need to see this as a chain
2.1.3 C:\> net use
- who is the system talking to ?
- opposite of net session
2.1.4 C:\> netstat
- lots of flags
- shows network connections C:\> netstat -naob
Shows all TCP and UDP connections : - -a : all ports - -n : what port ? - -o : what Process ID ? - -b : what exe ?
PID 4 = system process C:\> netstat -f
fully qualified name
2.2 Windows Processes
After checking the network connections we need to check the processes
2.2.1 C:\> takslist /svc
Allows to check if the svchosts are legit
2.2.2 C:\> tasklist /m
Dumps all DLLs used by each process
- tasklist /m \<dll name> : to check what uses that one dll
- tasklist /m /fi "pid eq \
Dr Cole's 3 metrics
top 10 with, 1. most # of connections, 2. longest duration connections, 3. largest size connections.
PlumHound & PingCastle