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HTTP in detail

from the TryHackMe room of the same name


HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules used for communicating with web servers for the transmitting of webpage data, whether that is HTML, Images, Videos, etc...

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is encrypted HTTP, stopping people from seeing the data you are receiving or sending, but also giving you assurances that you're talking to the correct web server and not something impersonating it.


A URL is predominantly an instruction on how to access a resource on the internet.


Scheme : This instructs on what protocol to use for accessing the resource such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

User : Some services require authentication to log in, you can put a username and password into the URL to log in.

Host : The domain name or IP address of the server you wish to access.

Port : The Port that you are going to connect to, usually 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS, but this can be hosted on any port between 1 - 65535.

Path : The file name or location of the resource you are trying to access.

Query String : Extra bits of information that can be sent to the requested path. For example, /blog?id=1 would tell the blog path that you wish to receive the blog article with the id of 1.

Fragment : This is a reference to a location on the actual page requested. This is commonly used for pages with long content and can have a certain part of the page directly linked to it, so it is viewable to the user as soon as they access the page.


When communicating with a web server, we do requests in which we specify the method, the page, the protocol version, and other information gathered in the Headers such as the destination site (Host), the web browser used (User-Agent), the page that referred us to this one (Referer) and so on.

Example request :

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Firefox/87.0

Notice that the HTTP requests always end with a blank line to inform the web server that the request has finished.

Example response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.15.8
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2021 13:34:03 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 98

    <title>This is a title</title>
    This is the body of the site

To breakdown each line of the response:

Line 1 : HTTP 1.1 is the version of the HTTP protocol the server is using and then followed by the HTTP Status Code in this case "200 Ok" which tells us the request has completed successfully.

Line 2: This tells us the web server software and version number.

Line 3 : The current date, time and timezone of the web server.

Line 4 : The Content-Type header tells the client what sort of information is going to be sent, such as HTML, images, videos, pdf, XML.

Line 5 : Content-Length tells the client how long the response is, this way we can confirm no data is missing.

Line 6 : HTTP response contains a blank line to confirm the end of the HTTP response.

Lines 7-14 : The information that has been requested, in this instance the homepage.


GET Request

This is used for getting information from a web server.

POST Request

This is used for submitting data to the web server and potentially creating new records

PUT Request

This is used for submitting data to a web server to update information

DELETE Request

This is used for deleting information/records from a web server.

Status Code

Status Code Description
100-199 - Information Response These are sent to tell the client the first part of their request has been accepted and they should continue sending the rest of their request. These codes are no longer very common.
200-299 - Success This range of status codes is used to tell the client their request was successful.
300-399 - Redirection These are used to redirect the client's request to another resource. This can be either to a different webpage or a different website altogether.
400-499 - Client Errors Used to inform the client that there was an error with their request.
500-599 - Server Errors This is reserved for errors happening on the server-side and usually indicate quite a major problem with the server handling the request.

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 - OK The request was completed successfully.
201 - Created A resource has been created (for example a new user or new blog post).
301 - Permanent Redirect This redirects the client's browser to a new webpage or tells search engines that the page has moved somewhere else and to look there instead.
302 - Temporary Redirect Similar to the above permanent redirect, but as the name suggests, this is only a temporary change and it may change again in the near future.
400 - Bad Request This tells the browser that something was either wrong or missing in their request. This could sometimes be used if the web server resource that is being requested expected a certain parameter that the client didn't send.
401 - Not Authorised You are not currently allowed to view this resource until you have authorised with the web application, most commonly with a username and password.
403 - Forbidden You do not have permission to view this resource whether you are logged in or not.
405 - Method Not Allowed The resource does not allow this method request, for example, you send a GET request to the resource /create-account when it was expecting a POST request instead.
404 - Page Not Found The page/resource you requested does not exist.
500 - Internal Service Error The server has encountered some kind of error with your request that it doesn't know how to handle properly.
503 - Service Unavailable This server cannot handle your request as it's either overloaded or down for maintenance.


Common Request Headers

Host : Some web servers host multiple websites so by providing the host headers you can tell it which one you require, otherwise you'll just receive the default website for the server.

User-Agent : This is your browser software and version number, telling the web server your browser software helps it format the website properly for your browser and also some elements of HMTL, JavaScript and CSS are only available in certain browsers.

Content-Length : When sending data to a web server such as in a form, the content length tells the web server how much data to expect in the web request. This way the server can ensure it isn't missing any data.

Accept-Encoding : Tells the web server what types of compression methods the browser supports so the data can be made smaller for transmitting over the internet.

Cookie : Data sent to the server to help remember your information (see cookies task for more information).

Common Response Headers

Set-Cookie : Information to store which gets sent back to the web server on each request (see cookies task for more information).

Cache-Control : How long to store the content of the response in the browser's cache before it requests it again.

Content-Type : This tells the client what type of data is being returned, i.e., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Images, PDF, Video, etc. Using the content-type header the browser then knows how to process the data.

Content-Encoding : What method has been used to compress the data to make it smaller when sending it over the internet.


Cookies are just a small piece of data that is stored on your computer, to remind the web server who you are, some personal settings for the website or whether you've been to the website before, because HTTP is stateless (doesn't keep track of your previous requests).

Mostly used for authentication.